Week 41 2020

Week 41 2020

Oct 5th - 11th Oct

Nancy Sanchez - The Kids are Still in Cages
Raye Zaragoza - Red
PaulStar - Shine Brighter
Lo Cash Ninjas - Skinfiltrator
Native Roots - Native Dance Hall
Larry K - Innastate interview
Innastate - Sailing
Tha Yoties - Love and Respect
Highest Conspiracy - Nowadays
Xandrah + JFP - Taboo
Juurini ft Beatrice Deer Band & Paujungie Nutaraaluk - Kugutuq
Moseckan - Osamani
Broadcast on FM by Resonance (UK), radio AGORA (AT) , Radio Freequenns (AT), Radio Onde Furlane (I) - and as a podcast, Tunes from Turtle Island on Google Play, iTunes, Deezer, Stitcher, iHearRadio or Megaphone.

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